What are performance reviews?

After you have recruited the right employee to fill a position, and provided them with a clear understanding of what’s required of them, you need to ensure they’re performing to expectations. This is where a performance review process adds considerable value. As part of the ongoing process, you review your employee’s overall ability to do their job, their productivity, efficiency, and fit with team culture.

The main goal of a performance review process is to provide feedback to your people so they continue to develop in their roles.

 Why are performance reviews important?

  • They establish a work record for an employee that shows how they develop in their roles, their strengths, development opportunities, and career aspirations.
  • They create a ongoing dialogue between managers and employees, so staff are clear about their performance expectations.
  • They enable a link between performance and salary or wage reviews.
  • They identify and provide an early remedy for any performance problems.They allow you to shift the priorities and objectives of your employees around organisational priorities.

How we help:

  • We develop customized performance review processes and provide you with training, so your managers are better equipped to manage employee relationships.
  • We can support you through performance reviews to remove any discomfort or uncertainty in the process.
  • We’ll guide you to ensure your performance reviews are conducted correctly, so they achieve the best outcomes.
  • We supply you with advice and recommendations regarding ongoing outcome improvement so managers and employees remain committed to the process.