The use of health and safety prequalification processes have become increasingly popular this year. If you engage contractors to work for you, or if you are a contractor yourself, then chances are this process will apply to you too.
Health and safety prequalification processes are for assessing the suitability of a contractor, or service provider’s capability to manage health, safety, and risk. This process is used when tendering for contracts, bidding for new work or continuing existing working relationships.
If you are a contractor or service provider, the completed prequalification process gives your client greater assurances that you have robust health and safety systems in place and that you have the capabilities to manage your health and safety risks for any given job or project.
Health and safety prequalification criteria can vary between from minimal to complex requirements. Contractor prequalification systems are generally based on best practice standards, often requiring evidence of up to date health and safety policies and procedures being in place. Such evidence can include job or project specific risk plans, tasks analysis, evidence of worker’s competencies, completed work permits and the provision of specialist equipment for any job.
If you would like assistance with prequalification processes, or a review of your health and safety system and practices for suitability for prequalification contact Andrew Morton, Health, Safety and Risk Consultant at Grow HR on 8785454.