It’s now week 5 of the lockdown but at 11.59pm next Monday 27 April 2020 we exit COVID-19 Alert Level 4 and from Tuesday morning we’ll be at Level 3.
This means we need to start to thinking about what a return from lockdown really looks like at an individual business level because, from next Tuesday, every business that can safely open needs to hit the ground running.
In this video Mandy asks key questions business owners need to be asking themselves right now such as:
- What does Level 3 look like for your business and what's the plan around reopening?
- What preparations do you need to be making leading up to next Tuesday 28 April 2020?
- Are you going to resume normal operations, part operations, or be focusing on a particular area of your business?
- Who can return to work and what measures need to be put in place for those staff?
- What’s the financial position of your business, what’s your cash-flow looking like, and what are your projections?
Want to talk more about preparing for and exiting COVID-19 Alert Level 4?
Give us a call on (06) 878 5454 or flick an email team@growhr.co.nz
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Official sources of COVID-19 information
- The New Zealand Government's Official Source of Information
- Hawke's Bay COVID-19 Response from Hawke's Bay Business Hub
- COVID-19 Updates from Hawke's Bay Chamber of Commerce
- PlanA Consulting COVID-19 Information for Businesses
- MBIE – The Kiwi Business Boost
- MBIE – COVID-19 Information For Businesses
- Ministry of Health coronavirus up-to-date guidance
- Ministry of Health workforce pandemic influenza guidance
- Ministry of Health coronavirus questions and answers
- Ministry of Health coronavirus self-isolation guidance
- Ministry of Health coronavirus advice for travellers
- Healthline
- Safetravel
- Employment during and after disasters
- Business.govt.nz emergency planning
- Worksafe workplace preparedness for novel coronavirus
- Protect yourself against coronavirus poster
- Protect yourself against coronavirus poster - simplified Chinese
- For any further questions about employment rights and responsibilities, contact Employment New Zealand